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Join date: May 13, 2022


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What's next? Sonicbids is going to start a "Facebook Music Dating" page. We just launched our blog and we are going to add the Facebook Music Dating site to our first wave of blog topics. This first wave will include all about Sony's latest music related products as well as an article about the new U-Disc CD Player. If you have any questions, you can always email me at We are going to do our best to answer your questions and send you your product as quickly as we can. Don't forget to stop by our blog. If you haven't yet, leave a comment and subscribe to our feed. We read every comment and post and will continue to do so until we have a few million subscribers (100 million fans, etc.). We will also post on our "Music Dating" Facebook page when it goes live.Q: Refactoring: Creating a specific route I want to create a route in an Android app that redirects to a specific web page. Specifically, I want to have the user click on a button, which takes them to a different activity in the app. That activity will then load a web page and display a specific text field. I want to have a function like: public void actionClicked(View view){ Intent redirectToWeb = new Intent(this, URL.class); startActivity(redirectToWeb); } The web page that I want to load is I want to take the user_id and add it to the URL before displaying it to the user. The code that I have for the URL class looks like this: public class URL extends Activity { String url; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); public void process(View view) { url = ""; Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)); startActivity(intent); public




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